Thursday, June 7, 2012

Non-tenure Track Position in Seoul

(1) Position(s)
- Non-tenure track: one year (renewable) contract.
-General English: English Courses including English Conversation, Business English, English Pronunciation and the like

(2) Qualifications
- M.A. Degree required, in TESOL. English Language & Literature, Primary and Secondary
Education in English or other Education-related fields.
- At least one year of university-level teaching experience

(3) Duties
- Teaching 14 hours per week for each of two semesters with overtime pay for additional hours.
- Advising students.
- Participating in curricular development as needed.
- Teaching summer and/or winter sessions and other non-academic classes when necessary.
Additional hours beyond the contractual 14 hours per week are compensated at the given overtime rate.

(4) Period of Contract: August 27th, 2012 –August 31st, 2013
(5) Documents submitted by July 9th, 2012
- CV with a cover letter including nationality, birth date, a recent photo and the status of the current visa.
- A copy of undergraduate diploma(s) and transcript(s).
- A copy of post-graduate diploma(s) and transcript(s).
- A certificate of employment from the current or previous employer.
- Reference letters (optional but recommended).

This list does not include the mandatory documents for your visa. The new immigration law will take effect on January 1st, 2011, which requires you to a submit national-level criminal background check. So please check Korean visa procedures and the mandatory documents in advance.

(6) Process
- The interview process will require teaching demonstration.
(Candidates for interview will be notified via e-mail when the document screening process is completed)
- A second interview may be necessary.

(7) Payment
- 2,900,000 won per month including 400,000 won for housing.
- Overtime rate ranges from 33,000 to 60,000 won per hour depending on the class taught.

(8) Let us know where you viewed our advert. 
(9) Application documents should be mailed or emailed to:
- Mailing address:
5322 General English Department
Liberal Arts building
University of Seoul
90 Jeonnong-dong, Dongdaemun-gu
Seoul, 130-743, Korea
-Email address:

(9) Contact person
- If you have any inquiry, email Sueyeon Heo at 

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